Tuesday 29 November 2011

No laughing matter

When we moved here the kids were 5, 7 and 10.

We were told that, in all probability, they would all pick up an accent to some degree, but the most influenced would be our 5 year old.

One of the things that we noticed was the use of the expression "Jagh"  Only the "J" is like a "Y" sound.  I would compare it to myself using "really" or "seriously" when something needs special emphasis or when someone says something unbelievable.  Where my "really" or "seriously" would be higher pitched and shortish, sounding like a question, the "Yawh" is a very breathy, deep and loud exclamation. 

We were sitting at the kitchen table one day several months ago, eating dinner.  Either B or T, I can't recall, said something outrageous and out of the mouth of our little 5 year old came a loud, deep, breathy "Jagh".  It was so unexpected and so strange to hear from our little girl, dh and I looked up at each other and burst out laughing.  A was not impressed with our laughter.  In fact she clammed up, wouldn't speak and glared at us for a good long while. 

Now, I know that you should never laugh at your children.  In fact, there have been many a time when I have, almost literally, bust my gut from successfully holding in my laughter when one of the kids did something funny.  This was just not one of those times.

Dd censored her comments for weeks after that incident.  Until just recently, actually.  She has started saying "Jagh" again and "Oh my word" is a phrase we here quite often.  I know when she enters grade one in January and they start teaching her the "proper" pronunciation of phonics and words, her speech will change even more.

So as we think about heading home for the holidays I implore those of you who will see us, to please contain your laughter when our children say something unexpected or strange.  We learned the hard way that it's no laughing matter.


  1. I like your post and more your blog.

  2. Thanks Akum. I am enjoying writing it and all the adventures that make it possible.
