Tuesday 14 June 2011

A hockey wife in Africa

I know, I know another diversion from the next post promise, but here's the thing, I am Canadian, married to a Boston fan and last night was game six of the Stanley Cup finals. 

Dh is a bit of a hockey fanatic.  He grew up playing hockey and watching hockey in small town Canada back when there was no cable and one of the only stations you got on antenna was CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).  Everyone got Hockey Night in Canada on CBC. 

Dh continued to play hockey (ice and ball) through university and beyond until a few weeks before we left for PE.  He played on Friday nights or on weekends before I went to work.  When I worked the early shift he would call my mom and ask if she could come over to watch the kids until he got home from hockey so I could make it to work on time. 

There were always new pieces of equipment arriving in the mail or issues of Hockey News lying around the house.  When we moved we had a whole hockey bag full of spare equipment to go to Play it Again Sports.  The net, goalie equipment and one stick for each of us came to South Africa and have a permanent place on the driveway.  The skates and good equipment are at my folks so he can join a game when we come home for Christmas.
So what happens?  We move halfway around the world to a place where they have no hockey (unless you count field hockey) and dh's team actually gets to the finals for the first time in 21 years.  They got there in 1990 (they lost).  They lost in 74, 77, 78, and 88 too.  The last time Boston won the cup was when dh was a toddler in 1972.

This is big, huge, ginormous stuff to have Boston in the finals for dh.  I know this because at 04:50 this morning dh was up in bed on the internet keeping track of the last minute news feed of  game 6.  Yup, the 6 hour time difference really bites in some situations. 

Me, I'm in a win win.  I don't really have a team.  So it's cool if Vancouver can bring the cup back to Canada for the first time since 1993, it's also cool if dh's team wins because I love him and I know how big a fan he is.  Either way I win.  But just in case dh reads this post.  Go Boston ;)

Post Script:  Thursday June 16th.  Yahhhhh! Dh is a happy happy Boston fan.  Bonus to being 6 hours ahead of Ontario is that we are 9 hours difference from Vancouver,  dh has already ordered his hat and various other paraphenalia at 00:00 Vancouver time beating the am rush in North America.  Now we just need to watch the game.

Next Post: Plett Puzzle Park

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